Vivre les assises en live
Les Assises européennes de lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes ont rassemblé plus de 2 000 personnes les 29 et 30 novembre derniers au Palais de la Musique et des Congrès de Strasbourg.
Merci à tous les participantes et participants, intervenantes et intervenants ainsi que les nombreux bénévoles qui ont contribué à faire de ces deux journées un très bel exemple de mobilisation collective !
Let's mobilise to end violence against women!
Écouter les Assises en live et en streaming
At the Palais de la Musique et des Congrès in Strasbourg.
Why in Strasbourg?
Already recognised for the annual conference held since 2010, this year the City, along with its voluntary sector and institutional partners, is organising an exceptional European edition to exchange views on what Europe can do to help eliminate male violence.
This question will be the focal point for our gathering, an opportunity to educate ourselves and mobilise to find a more effective response to violence against women in Europe and all over the world.
A European conference?
As the seat of numerous European and international institutions, Strasbourg is also a symbolic capital which embodies the fundamental values of Europe.
This Conference will therefore be a way of raising awareness of the women's rights and equality enshrined in the different European and international treaties and conventions and of highlighting the many cooperative initiatives that exist.
The "OFF des Assises", what's that?
When ?
Where ?
Some figures worth noting...
444 700
victims suffered physical violence recorded as indictable or summary offences, 7% more than in 2022.
Every 2min30
in France, a woman is a victim of rape or attempted rape.
244 000 victimes
of domestic violence in 2022 (+15% compared to 2021).
+ 83 %
increase in reports of domestic violence over the past 5 years.
Feminicides in 2023
Sources : Nous toutes / Le Monde / Fondation des femmes / Ministère de l'Intérieur